2024/10/11 – Welcome Lovre!
The project “QNet: Transport, metastability, and neuromorphic applications in quantum networks” is also coordinated by Ticijana. Congratulations!
2023/11/01 – Welcome Marko!
2023/03/29 – Nice having you with us!
2023/03/14 – Congratulations, Dr. Kovačić!
2022/12/16 – Congratulations, Dr. Kruljac!
We are an experimental group working in the field of atomic physics, specifically cold atoms, quantum optics and metrology.
We are based at the where the first operating magneto-optical trap in south-eastern Europe was realized in 2011. On this page you can find out more about our experimental research.
The Quantum Technology Group is one of the groups within the Centre for Advanced Laser Techniques (CALT) at the Institute of Physics in Zagreb, Croatia. We are an experimental group engaged in research in the field of quantum simulators based on (ultra)cold atoms, quantum metrology and sensors, and quantum communications. In addition, a National Laboratory for Time and Frequency will be established by the group. The laboratory will provide the official Croatian time and measurement traceability to the SI units for time and frequency.
Research in the field of quantum simulators includes development of new techniques for laser cooling and trapping of cold rubidium atoms based on an optical frequency comb, frequency-comb-induced optomechanics in a highly reflective optical resonator as well as simulators based on quantum fluids of light.
Research in the field of quantum metrology include the establishment of an optical atomic clock based on cold strontium atoms. Activities in this direction have already begun, and the operational of an atomic clock is expected by the end of 2025.
Research in the field of quantum communications includes the development of new types of quantum memories based on different atomic systems. We are using an optical frequency comb and EIT and AFC protocols to explore the multimode character of quantum memories.
Join us! We are always looking for new students, just send us an email or just stop by and hang out with us in the lab 🙂